
I'm Ravi Kumar Singh

I build responsive, scalable, user-friendly web apps

More About Me

About Me


My name is Ravi Kumar Singh. I'm a computer science graduate working as a Frontend developer at Futuryze Digital.

I am exploring and building applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and NodeJS. I also enjoy problem solving and invest time regularly in practicing data structures and algorithms. I'm interested in building something awesome with code and make useful products.

skills experience education
Jun, 2021 - Present

Software Developer - FrontEnd

Futuryze Digital, India

Dec, 2020 - Feb, 2021

UI Intern

Scanta, India

2017 - 2021

Bachelor's in Computer Science Engineering

PDA College of Engineering, Gulbarga

CGPA 7.45



Narayana Junior College


My Projects

Stocks Calculator

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tells the user about Profit/Loss based on entered Initial Price,Quantity and Current Price of Stocks.

Birthday Palindrome

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tells the User if Entered Date is Palindrome or not.

Fun with triangles

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Helps user to gain knowledge about Triangle with help of Quiz. Also, helps user to find if entered Angles form a triangle or not, helps user to calculate length of Hypotaneus and Area of Triangle.

Lucky Birthday

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Takes a number and birthday and shows if the number is lucky or not.

Cash Register

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tells the User how much cash to be returned provided the Bill amount and Provided Cash amount with different Denomination of Currency


ReactJS, MaterialUI, TMDb API

Wondering what to stream next? StreamNext lets you explore the movies and TV series for you to continue your binge.

Image Hunt

ReactJS, Unsplash, CSS modules

A web app to explore and search images and wallpapers.

Todo App

ReactJS, Firebase, CSS modules

A Todo App to organize day to day work, made using ReactJS and Firebase for hosting and database

Travel Destinations

ReactJS, Vanilla CSS

India has several tourist destinations and attractions. This app reccommends the top 5 travel destinations based on which region of India you want to explore.


ReactJS, AJAX, Vanilla CSS

If you have a hard time interpreting emojis then this app is for you. Paste the emoji in the search bar or check out the different emojis that are available. Built using and ReactJS and CSS.

JavaScript Key Code

HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript

A simple webapp which gives you the details of key events in javascript. The following event details are given by this app: event.key, event.location, event.code, event.which

To do App

HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Browser Storage

A simple To Do app made in vanilla JavaScript. I created this app while learning JavaScript. Implemented the CRUD functionalities using browser storage

Talk Like Shakespeare

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Vanilla CSS

Shakespeare invented many words and his style of narration in many ways was unique to his time. His ever popular works ( dramas and poems ) makes his language style live even today. This translator takes English as input and converts to Shakespeare English.

Minion Speak

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Vanilla CSS

Do you love minions? Well of course we all love minions. But Did you know that the gibberish they say is an actual language. Use this translator to translate your English text to their language which is sometimes called minionese or the Banana language

Indian Facts Quiz


A CLI App in Javascript using Chalk library to add styling and hosted on repl.it for a fun quiz to check how many facts do you know about India. Guess answers to know your score and beat the highscore.

How well do you know me? Quiz


A CLI App in Javascript hosted on repl. Guess answers to know your score and beat the highscore.

My Blogs